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Board of Education Meeting Minutes for October 14, 2024

The Board of Education met on Monday, October 14, 2024, at 5:30 pm. Members present: Brian
Aaberg, Brad Anderson, Scott Russell, Beth Sonderup and Jennifer Wood. Absent-David Ciancio.
Public notice of the meeting was published in the Nance County Journal on October 2, 2024.
Called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Recognized Open Meetings Act
Recognized Visitors
Approved the agenda as presented.
Spotlight – Jack Moles – executive director of NRCSA (Nebraska Rural Community Schools) –
presented information about his role and the role of NRCSA. The organization is advocate for
Nebraska rural schools giving us a voice with various entities including the legislature.
Ike Carr, Jennifer Dubas and Yetta Sullivan presented an update on the CIP (Continuous
Improvement Plan) for the school district. They share what the staff and students have been
working on over the past five years as target of academic focus. This week, we will have our year
five external visit from a team of educators to examine our CIP as part of state accreditation.
It was moved by Russell and seconded by Wood to approve policies 5004, 4146 P, 4146 R, 4146.1
P and 4146.1 R as reviewed and revised. Roll call vote: Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
It was moved by Wood and seconded by Aaberg to approve the Title/ELL Coordinator position
and the Communications Coordinator position. Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
It was moved by Aaberg and seconded by Russell to approve the teaching endorsement incentive
program as presented. Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
It was moved by Wood and seconded by Russell to enter into Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. to
discuss negotiation strategies. Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Wood to return to regular session at 6:35 p.m. Aye-5,
Nay-0, Absent-1.
It was moved by Wood and seconded by Anderson to accept the resignation of Scott Russell from
the Fullerton Public Schools Board of Education. Aye-4, Nay-0, Absent-1, Abstain -1
Approved the minutes from the September 9, 2024, regular board meeting.
Approved the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Approved the payment of bills as presented.
Adjourned the meeting at 6:51 p.m.
Brad Anderson, Acting Secretary
Board of Education