Board of Education Meeting Minutes for November 11, 2024
The Board of Education met on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 5:30 pm. Members present: Brian
Aaberg, Brad Anderson, Beth Sonderup and Jennifer Wood. Absent-David Ciancio.
Public notice of the meeting was published in the Nance County Journal on November 6, 2024.
Called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Recognized Open Meetings Act
Recognized Visitors
Approved the agenda as presented.
Spotlight – Two representatives from ESU 7 gave a presentation about the services the ESU
provides to local schools, including Fullerton Schools.
It was moved by Wood and seconded by Anderson to appoint Angie Herman as the new board
member to fill the vacancy left by Scott Russell. Roll call vote: Aye-4, Nay-0, Absent-1.
Angie Herman recited the Oath of Office.
Dr. Anderson gave a buildings and grounds report that included a possible security camera project
for the track facility. He has obtained a grant, but is looking for one more possible grant resource.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Wood to approve the change to the student handbook
dealing with activity transportation as presented. Roll call vote: Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
Dr. Anderson shared the 2023-2024 audit results. It was moved by Herman and seconded by
Aaberg to approve the 2023-2024 audit of financial records.
Roll call vote: Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
Mr. Pomplun and Mr. Burenheide provided a presentation about the Industrial Tech program.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Wood to enter into Executive Session at 6:23 pm to
discuss the superintendent’s evaluation and to discuss negotiation strategies. Roll call vote: Aye-5,
Nay-0, Absent-1.
It was moved by Wood and seconded by Anderson to return to regular session at 6:57 p.m. Roll
call vote: Aye-5, Nay-0, Absent-1.
Approved the minutes from the October 14, 2024, regular board meeting.
Approved the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Approved the payment of bills as presented.
Adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m.
Brian Aaberg, Acting Secretary
Board of Education