Board of Education Meeting Minutes for December 14, 2022
The Board of Education met on Monday, December 12, 2022, at 5:30 pm. Members present: Brian Aaberg, Brad Anderson, David Ciancio, Angie Herman, Scott Russell and Beth Sonderup.
Public notice of this meeting was published in the Nance County Journal on December 7, 2022.
Called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Recognized Open Meetings Act.
Recognized visitors.
Approved the agenda as presented.
Dr Anderson gave an update on the building and grounds work. Next week, he will be meeting with Russ Koch to discuss the facility planning project. Mr. Koch will be presenting the planning project to the board in early 2023.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Herman to enter into Executive Session at 5:42 pm to discuss negotiation information regarding Classified Staff, Certificated Staff and the Administrative Team. Roll call vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
It was moved by Herman and seconded by Ciancio to return to Regular Session at 6:39 pm. Roll cate vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
It was moved by Russell and seconded by Sonderup to approve the contract agreements for the Certificated Staff for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll cate vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Aaberg to approve the contract agreements for the High School and Elementary Principals for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll cate vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
It was moved by Russell and seconded by Anderson to accept the letter of resignation from Lorie Pomplun with thanks and appreciation for her years of service. Roll cate vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
Approved the minutes from the regular November 14, 2022, board meeting.
Approved the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Approved the payment of bills as presented.
Adjourned the meeting at 6:53 pm.
Scott Russell, Secretary
Board of Education