Board of Education Meeting Minutes for December 9, 2024
The Board of Education met on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 5:30 pm. Members present: Brian
Aaberg, Angie Herman, Brad Anderson, David Ciancio, Beth Sonderup and Jennifer Wood.
Public notice of the meeting was published in the Nance County Journal on December 4, 2024.
Called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Recognized Open Meetings Act
Recognized Visitors
Approved the agenda as presented.
Spotlight – Mrs. Carlson and Mr. Burenheide gave an review on the Americanism Hearing that
was held just prior to the board meeting. Each shared information regarding their perspective
buildings and how those grade levels implement the various requirements of the LB339
Dr. Anderson shared information regarding a proposed security camera system to be installed at
the track facility. The cameras will provide coverage of the vast majority of the area and inside two
buildings. He informed the board that we have an approved Margaret Russell Grant to help with
some of the cost. It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Wood to approve the purchase of a
security camera system at the track facility. Roll call vote: Aye-6-, Nay-0.
It was moved by Herman and seconded by Aaberg to approve the option enrollment application
from Brianne Butcher for her son, Oliver, to attend Kindergarten in the fall of 2025. Roll call vote:
Aye-6, Nay-0.
Mrs. Carlson and Mr. Burenheide gave the 2024 K-12 Financial Literacy Report. This is an annual
report that provides the board and community with what is taught at all grades levels to inform and
improve financial literacy for students. Both principals provided details of the curriculum and
course requirements.
Dr. Anderson shared information regarding minor requirements to add to the Meeting Policy 2008.
It was moved by Ciancio and seconded by Anderson to approve policy 2008 as reviewed and
revised. Roll call vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
Beth Sonderup provided information regarding the superintendent’s evaluation. She discussed
possible goals/targets (for the superintendent and school district) that board members would like to
see addressed in 2025. She also shared board member perceptions of Dr. Anderson provided
through the evaluation process.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Wood to enter into closed (executive) session at 6:02
pm for a strategy session regarding collective bargaining/negotiations, which is clearly necessary
for the protection of the public interest. Roll call vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
It was moved by Anderson and seconded by Aaberg to return to regular session at 6:54 p.m. Roll
call vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
It was moved by Herman and seconded by Wood to approve the negotiated agreement with the
certificated staff for the 2025-2026 school year. Roll call vote: Aye-6, Nay-0.
Approved the minutes from the November 11, 2024, regular board meeting.
Approved the Treasurer’s report as presented.
Approved the payment of bills as presented.
Adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m.
David Ciancio, Secretary
Board of Education